
米国法人、シリウス テクノロジーズが元NASA技術者を打上げ総責任者として任命



English follows Japanese.

将来宇宙輸送システム株式会社(東京都中央区、代表取締役 畑田康二郎 以下ISC)は、「毎日、人や貨物が届けられる世界。そんな当たり前を、宇宙でも。」というビジョンを掲げ、宇宙往還を可能とする輸送システムの実現を目指すスタートアップ企業です。

この度、ISCの米国法人であるシリウス テクノロジーズ(Sirius Technologies, Inc.)の「打上げ総責任者」にFrederic B. Moreno氏を任命したことを発表します。

Moreno氏はNASA(ジョンソン宇宙センター)での勤務経験のほか、Blue Originでの打上げやエンジン試験に従事した経験があり、直近では世界初の商業用宇宙港であるSpaceport Americaでの勤務経験を有します。

"I am excited to join ISC at such a crucial time as the company strives to develop a reusable launch vehicle," said Mr. Moreno. "By combining Japan's manufacturing excellence with America's cutting-edge testing infrastructure, ISC is poised to transform space access and create a future where people and cargo can be delivered into space every day. I look forward to contributing to the realization of this vision and furthering the development of Japan's commercial rocket industry."


シリウス テクノロジーズ CEO 嶋田敬一郎からのコメント
Moreno氏は、ハイリスクな環境での豊富な経験を有しており、この役職にまさに適任と言えます。急速に進歩する宇宙探査の分野で、当社が革新を続け、業務を最適化し、新たな安全基準を設定していく上で、彼のリーダーシップは非常に貴重であり、そのリーダーシップが、2040 年までに宇宙をすべての人が利用できるようにするという当社の使命を推進する上で役立つと確信しています。

シリウス テクノロジーズとISCは2024年より米国コロラド州BerthoudのUrsa Major社と協業を開始しています。そして、再使用ロケットの開発を加速するべく同社より推進エンジンを購入し、早ければ2025年末には打上げ試験を計画しています。その壮大な計画成功のため、すべての関係者間の調整役としてMoreno氏のリーダーシップは不可欠なものになるでしょう。

■シリウス テクノロジーズについて(Sirius Technologies, Inc.)

航空宇宙技術 × 異業種の知見 × バックキャスト思考




Sirius Technologies Appoints Space Industry Veteran as VP of Launch Operations
Boulder, Colorado, Feb. 10, 2025 / Sirius Technologies Inc.

Sirius Technologies, Inc. a U.S. subsidiary of Innovative Space Career, Inc. (ISC), a Japanese startup focused on developing reusable space vehicles, is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Frederic B. Moreno as Vice President of Launch Operations. In this critical role, Mr. Moreno will oversee and lead future launch tests of the ASCA reusable rocket series in the United States, driving the successful execution of these missions.

Mr. Moreno brings with him a wealth of experience from his distinguished career in the space industry, including key roles at NASA's Johnson Space Center, Blue Origin, and Spaceport America, the world's first commercial spaceport. His expertise in launch operations and engine testing positions him to play a pivotal role in the success of Sirius Technologies' ambitious goals.

Commentary from Mr. Frederic B. Moreno
"I am excited to join ISC at such a crucial time as the company strives to develop a reusable launch vehicle," said Mr. Moreno. "By combining Japan's manufacturing excellence with America's cutting-edge testing infrastructure, ISC is poised to transform space access and create a future where people and cargo can be delivered into space every day. I look forward to contributing to the realization of this vision and furthering the development of Japan's commercial rocket industry."

Commentary from Kei Shimada, CEO of Sirius Technologies, Inc.
"Mr. Moreno's extensive experience in high-stakes environments makes him a perfect fit for this role," said Kei Shimada, CEO of Sirius Technologies. "His leadership will be invaluable as we continue to innovate, optimize operations, and set new safety standards in the rapidly advancing field of space exploration. We are confident that his guidance will help propel our mission to make space accessible to everyone by 2040."

Sirius Technologies, in partnership with ISC, has been working closely with Ursa Major Technologies Inc. of Berthoud, Colorado, since April 2024. The companies acquired propulsion engines from Ursa Major, which will accelerate the development of their reusable space vehicles, with plans to launch as early as the end of 2025. Mr. Moreno's leadership will be integral to coordinating efforts across all parties to ensure the success of this ambitious endeavor.

About Sirius Technologies, Inc.
Sirius Technologies, Inc., based in Boulder, Colorado, was founded in March 2024 as the U.S. technology and development arm of ISC. The company is focused on overseeing the development, integration, and test launches of the ASCA reusable rocket series, manufactured in Japan, while also promoting the importance of U.S.-Japan collaboration in the space industry.

About Innovative Space Career, Inc.
Innovative Space Career, Inc. (ISC), founded in 2022 and based in Tokyo, Japan, is a forward-thinking space start-up with the mission of making space accessible to everyone by 2040. Initially focusing on the development of a small rocket for Low Earth Orbit (LEO), ISC's ultimate goal is to create a Single-Stage-to-Orbit (SSTO) vehicle capable of transporting people and cargo to space, or enabling point-to-point travel anywhere on Earth in under 90 minutes.

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